Physical Rehabilitation

Not being able to use your body properly makes life difficult, especially after a bad injury. Injuries often require physical rehabilitation. At Symtrio Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Hillsboro, OR, we can help. Our chiropractor provides physical rehab services to help your body heal and recover.


Who Needs Physical Rehab?

Physical rehab is used to get rid of pain, restore your range of motion, and teach you how to use your body normally again. This process is especially important after an injury because of how different your body may feel. In some cases, you may need physical rehab to regain muscle that was lost due to atrophy, which is also common after injuries.

If you've recently suffered an injury, our chiropractor will likely recommend physical rehab. We may also suggest rehab after treatment for a chronic pain condition. This gives you an opportunity to manage your pain and get your body back to normal again.

How Does Rehab Work?

In order to get your muscles and joints working the way they used to, you need to start using them again. However, it's tough to use muscles and joints that are weak due to an injury, so you have to start slow. Physical rehab involves simple exercises to help you build strength and get your body working like it used to. This process can take a lot of time, especially if you suffered a bad injury and haven't used part of your body in several months. The good news is, you can speed up your recovery and manage pain better with regular chiropractic adjustments.

How Our Chiropractor Can Help

At Symtrio Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, we specialize in chiropractic care and physical rehab. If you recently had an injury that you're having a hard time recovering from, our chiropractor will help you figure out a rehab plan that allows you to live a normal life again. With exercises and other therapies, our chiropractor will help you return to your daily activities pain-free. We will create a treatment plan for you that may also include chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, lifestyle advice, and more. All of our methods are non-invasive and drug-free, so you can avoid risky surgeries and medications, which often come with side effects.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in Hillsboro, OR

Life can be difficult after you've suffered an injury, especially if you lose the ability to use your body normally. At Symtrio Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Hillsboro, OR, we provide physical rehabilitation to help after injuries. Through physical rehab, you can regain your strength and control to live a normal life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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